Safety tips for seniors

Everyday Safety & Independent Living?

Independent Living!

Our goal is to allow seniors in Canada to live independently. This means adding the layer of protection that is needed to safely and confidently allow them to live in their own homes for as long as possible. Giving the gift of protection to a loved one can mean the world to them, especially if that means they are able to maintain their independence and quality of living from it. Keeping our seniors mobile, active while living in the comfort of their home is simply what the doctor ordered. 🙂

Everyday Safety

The whole idea of being safe should start with prevention, this means that if it can be avoided why not learn some safety tips that may help you along the way. Prevention can start with awareness, in this case being aware of your surroundings can make a world of difference and make you less likely to be the next target of an attack. Take note of the following key points on how you can create more awareness around you and increase your chances of not being a target out in public.

Here are some daily safety tips for each Senior:

  • Darkness is not your friend – It is highly recommended to walk or commute in areas that are well lit. Keep a flashlight on you at all times for the unavoidable areas that may require it to be used, such as stairwells, some hallways etc.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings – The whole idea is to make sure you know what is going on around you. Keep alert and be sure to scan your surroundings as you walk around the neighborhood. This can help you avoid potential threats by simply crossing the street or making a quick detour.
  • Blend in and stay away from being flashy – Do your best to hide expensive jewelry while walking or traveling, anything that can draw attention or give an attacker the thought of attacking for quick snatch and grab. Your purse should be held close to you and not easily accessible from others.
  • Remove the element of surprise – It is good practice to let people know you are aware of them. It could be as easy as a simple nod of respect or quick glance. A long stare should be avoided as it could be shown as an act of aggression. Nothing wrong with letting people know that you are alert though.

Of Course, the best course of action is to remove yourself from being the target of an attack in the first place, however this is not always avoidable. So preparation is important and knowing what to do in every circumstance will drastically help improve the outcome for you.

How to prepare?

The importance of preparation is severely underrated and at times overlooked. Nobody wants to think of themselves as potentially being attacked or the target or victim of an attack. But it is important to prepare and use the “What if ?” statements to ensure you know what to do in any situation that may arise.

Noise and lots of it – Loud noise can work in your benefit in two ways. The first can scare off an intruder by surprising them with a whistle or personal alarm. The second is the same sounds that can alert bystanders nearby that may be able to help and scare off the bad person attacking you. Not everyone is comfortable with carrying a whistle or feel they will be able to use it at the time it may be required. For that reason, you can search for a push-button small alarm that will make a large sound when needed. Try and find something small enough so it can be placed on your keychain or at the very least easy to carry and activate.

How can Senior Protection help?

At Senior Protection we believe that seniors should be aging in place, this means living in the home of your choice, independently and safely as you get older. For that reason, we supply seniors in Canada with an option for personal emergency response systems, previously known as medical alerts or life safety devices.

We cater our services for both active seniors who are on the go and travel daily, as well as stay at home with or without medical issues. Safety belongs at home as well as where you go day and night. Life safety should come with convenience and at a price that is affordable to Canadians, here at Senior Protection we do our best to accommodate both.

When the time arises to make the call and seek out the information to protect yourself or a loved one, it is important to select a proudly Canadian company who is dedicated to protecting you 24/7. We are proud to say that Senior Protection should be your first and only call.

Contact us today to find out your options..1 866 416 0838



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