
Seniors Living An Active Life

An active lifestyle usually refers to someone that is busy and is constantly moving. Depending on how active someone might be it may or may not include workout and proper physical fitness.

Workout is a requirement for individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle and help fight off certain ailments that might want to attack the body. Remaining active is considered extremely important for senior citizens irrespective of their age. When exercise is done properly the benefits surely outweigh the risk in the long run. It is however important to always consult with your physician before attempting any new physical fitness or exercising outside the norm of your daily routine when you reach a certain age.

When you exercise the body an adrenaline hormone is released that results in an increase in heart rate and metabolism, the heart muscles become healthy and increased metabolism makes the body healthy. The body in this reference definitely includes the mind and how you feel.

Exercise helps to promote sleep to those who are suffering from insomnia. The brain activity is increased, as there is an increased level of oxygen getting transported to the brain tissues. By doing exercise, the endocrine system is activated and that normalizes the stress hormone function of the body. The endorphins pass through the nervous system and interact with opiate receptor neurons to create a feeling of euphoria. The anxiety level is also reduced to a great level.

Top 5 Workouts For Seniors

Top 5 Workouts For Seniors

Water aerobics: In the past years, water aerobics have become an extremely popular form of exercise among all ages, but in particular to seniors. Doing water aerobics is a fun way for older adults to stay active and fit. It’s also easier on your joints than doing a traditional gym workout and can even relieve nagging arthritis pain. This type of exercise is great to start out with for anyone that finds weight-bearing or joint pain to be the reason for not attempting physical activity in the first place.

Chair yoga: Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Chair yoga classes typically target those with physical disabilities or aging men and women who find a typical yoga session too challenging. Listen, finding an alternative is a part of aging and this is an absolute great alternative for those who cannot perform regular yoga.

Resistance band workouts: Resistance training or strength training is an exercise that enhances muscular strength and endurance. During resistance training, muscles are forced to move against tension provided by body weight, dumbbells, gravity, machines, or resistance bands. Incorporating resistance training into a daily workout routine can greatly improve muscle strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and range of motion. Resistance training also helps fight bone loss and the symptoms of arthritis pain.

Pilates, with all of its variety and modifications, is a fantastic, low impact form of exercise for older adults. Numerous Pilates programs are backed by the medical community, bone-safe, and geared toward the mature adult. Pilates meets the individual where they’re at and builds strength, confidence, and mobility.

Walking: Ahh yes lets not forget the good old faithful of walking. Walking can improve your health and wellbeing, and can help you to live independently for longer. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous; a moderate amount of activity can bring you all the benefits of exercise. You can choose to walk at a steady pace for a longer period of time, or you can have shorter bursts of more strenuous walking, either quickly or up hills or stairs.Talk to your doctor or allied health professional if you have health conditions or haven’t been active for a while. And make sure you have everything you need, especially a comfortable pair of shoes.

Remember that anytime you change your workout habits or increase your physical fitness intensity you should always consult with a professional. Nobody can deny the benefits of exercise for anyone at any age, but you must keep it real. The reality is if it is not performed properly and with caution the repercussion could be severe and result in an injury.

Are You Still Not Convinced You Should Exercise?

Here are 7 reasons why you should consider it…

  • Exercise controls weight. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss
  • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
  • Exercise improves mood
  • Exercise boosts energy
  • Exercise promotes better sleep
  • Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life
  • Exercise can be fun … and social!

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