
How Seniors In Canada Should Age In Place

The Canadian population is getting older, with adults 65 and older, it is estimated that by 2030 they will make up approximately 23 percent of the population in Canada. With the staggering statistics of seniors occupying such a large part of the population, it is important for families to take the necessary steps to plan for the future.

As we age, it is evident that a variety of challenges can often take place on a mental and physical level. It is extremely important to understand and learn how to recognize them while they are still living in their homes. Aging in place is considered to be the choice for most seniors living in Canada, but the decision usually falls on the family when an accident or life-changing event occurs.

Helping Seniors Age In Place Begins Pre Accidental

Far too often the family begins to help their aging parents after an accident occurs. Unfortunately, too many families assume their elderly parents will reach out and call for help if they need it, but this is not the case and the sad truth is they are not aware or asked to intervene until a life-threatening accident occurs or an extremely close encounter with injury or possible death. Most families assume that “No news is usually good news” but far too often this backfires and help is on the way as a reaction rather than a response.

When an emergency occurs it is safe to assume that how we react is not the same as if we were able to pre-plan the accident itself. Being involved in the early stages and having a full understanding of how your elderly parents live on a day-to-day basis can dramatically increase the time expectancy for them to age in place. Setting up the proper help they need to assist them in their daily routines can help you and the family become more aware of the obstacles they face, as well as the feedback that can be acquired from the caregiver assisting them.

Often as we grow old the variety of challenges we will face will include physical changes along with mental health. This could make it challenging to know when they need help at home and wehn your loved one should seek help or make life changes for their safety.

Signs That Show Your Loved One’s Need Help

The following signs can help any family understand that they may need to reach out to their elderly loved one and help them stay safe and possibly keep them in a safe home and environment.

Identifiable weight loss can be an early sign caused by living alone and not taking proper care of themselves. It could be caused by appetite loss, difficulty cooking or the simple fact of forgetting to eat altogether. It should be good practice to talk with them regarding their eating routine and learn as much as you can as to what attributes towards weight loss.

Mood swings or erratic behavior. If you find that the general mood is not quite the norm such as being louder, extremely quiet, agitated or paranoid. Of Course, there are many reasons why this could be occurring, but it is important to document them and bring them up to their physician on the next appointment.

Financial problems. Take notice of unpaid bills or unusual purchases that seem out of character for your elder loved one. It is important to respect boundaries as this could cause some possible problems of trust and them thinking of losing independence. Tread lightly, but involve yourself as much as possible to help or offer your assistance.

Personal Hygiene. Noticing body odor, bad breath or even sores on the skin is important to address on a regular basis. This could be a warning sign especially if they had previously taken meticulous care of themselves previously.

Personal Hygiene. Noticing body odor, bad breath or even sores on the skin is important to address on a regular basis. This could be a warning sign especially if they had previously taken meticulous care of themselves previously.

Nurse helping Aging Parents Stay Safe In Their Own Home

How To Help Your Aging Parents Stay Safe In Their Own Home

If you feel as though any of the above warning signs are being exhibited by your loved one, then it could be time to consider some alternative care solutions. If they live alone, the first step can be purchasing a medical alert system for them, which would provide support if they fall, experience a stroke or heart attack, or have another accident in the house.

A Senior Protection medical alert system is not just for medical emergencies. Along with offering 24/7 monitoring that may require EMT’s, police or fire, it is a personal emergency safety device. Notifying family and friends through our customer care live chat in the event of your elderly loved one pressing the button for whatever reason they feel is important or threatening to them.

The time is now to come up with a complete care plan even if it is being planned for the distant future. This can be helped by your loved one’s doctor who may refer to the services of a medical alert system, an in-home care agency, or any other senior specialist that may be required to assist and help them stay healthy in their home for as long as possible.

Contact us today for the best solution of personal emergency services available at the best possible price. Stay involved & Stay Safe..

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