medical alert - our lowest prices ever

Alarm Guard Senior Protection device




Attention Seniors 55 +

Do you live alone or with a medical condition ?

Beautiful Landing Page with Elements

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It is a paradisematic country, in which

Life Safety

Protecting Seniors In Canada

Proudly Canadian Providing Seniors In Canada Life Safety Measures

ACCESSORIES For On-The-Go for seniors

Interested In Learning More ?

Are you a Canadian citizen, over 55 years old and with a medical condition?

Senior Protection is a division of Alarm Guard Security who is proudly Canadian and serving families and businesses in Canada for over 19 years. We are no stranger to protection and what it takes to offer peace of mind to our customers.

We are proud of our program, and all our staff across the country believe in our culture of "Saving Lives". Our success is a clear indication of the system working and we are actually changing the quality of seniors lives everyday.

Our customer care team work very hard because they truly care. Our promise to our customers is we will never be perfect, but we will continue to become better and better and exceed our customers expectations as we continue to grow.

why customers choose us ?

Excellent Product & Service

Thanks for the Interest in Buyers Guide

Dear Customer,

Thank you for visiting our Senior Protection website and requesting our “Buyers Guide” regarding medical alert services! Kindly click the below link to download the brochure.

Download Brochure

The Senior Protection Team
1 866 416 0838