Seniors Talk With D.R.P.S & Senior Protection
Senior Protection was privileged to be a part of the Seniors Talk DRPS with Constable Darryl Rice on Rogers TV channel 10 last week. The program allowed us to showcase our story and mission, to the wonderful seniors in Durham Ontario.
Susan Tan, our very own “Program Director” and voice for Senior Protection displayed her sincere knowledge and reputation within the security industry. Her dedication, experience and motivation has led Susan on a path to protecting seniors across Canada
On Friday, May 6, 2022. Susan Tan represented Senior Protection during a broadcast of Seniors Talk with Constable Darryl Rice of Durham Regional Police that providing tips and information to keep seniors safe, active and healthy.
Susan has been an integral part of the Alarm Guard Security family for over 8 years. Her reputation precedes her due to the highest level of customer service she has brought to our company.
Her sincere desire to exceed our customer’s expectations is solely based on her true caring and nurturing nature and listening to our client’s needs.
Susan continues to protect families across Canada with her knowledge of smart home security. As a specialist in the security industry, she has grown to be one of the most recognized professionals in offering home security consultations.
When Senior Protection was launched several years ago, Susan was selected to help build the service and be the voice for Senior Protection. Her hard work has helped many Canadian organizations and individuals partner with Senior Protection to help spread safety and personal emergency response awareness. Susan has dedicated a majority of her career of security, and now personal safety services. Even though seniors are a major part of her interactions on a daily basis, she still finds the time to help lone workers, night shift workers and customers in need of our service to help keep them safe at work or home.
If you happen to contact our office for any sales or service inquiries, do not be surprised if Susan Tan, our Regional Program director picks up the phone and answers your call. She enjoys chatting it up with customers and ensuring they fully attend to.
On behalf of Senior Protection (a division of Alarm Guard Security Inc), we would like to take this opportunity to extend a special thanks to Constable Darryl Rice, Rogers TV and our very own Susan Tan (Program Director of Senior Protection). Seniors Talk on Rogers TV is an amazing program that offers seniors in Durham great information on safety, health and active living. Keep up the great work!
To watch the full episode, please visit to watch the full episode please visit
If you live in the Durham region of Ontario and surrounding areas and are interested in learning more about what Senior Protection can do for you? Susan would be happy to schedule a visit where she can sit and discuss your needs and how we can help. Susan Tan can be reached directly at 905-925-4321