We believe when you order the very best for your protection it should come included with no extra charges for accessories. Our packages come complete….
Mobile Medical Alert Device: Only 1.5 ounces- comfortable to carry or wear. Durable Shatter-resistant with rugged construction. Small In Size: 2.5” x 1.8” x .67” compact yet powerful….
Accessories: Comes complete out of the box ready to wear as a necklace, lanyard, charging station included. Our devices now come with 4G service and are smaller than ever. …..
Charging: Receive the full docking station for easy drop in and keeping your device charged.
Ready To Go: When you order our service we ensure to take all your information so we can fully program it for you to use the moment you receive it.
Comes complete with base station that can plug into your phone line or work as a standalone. Includes lanyard to wear around the house up to 1,000 square feet. No need for charging as the battery will last 3-5yrs. We also offer a fall pendant device that works with the system and can be ordered as an add on.
No need for wifi or cellular coverage but still has a great 2 way voice from the base station in your home to communicate with our emergency response team.
This service is great for at home customers who simply need the peace of mind.
* Accessories will differ depending on the package selected.
Wrist band – Sleek and small in size for the active home user
Pendant without fall – Great for indoor use including the shower
Pendant will Fall – Comes complete with fall protection at home
Senior Protection offers peace of mind protection for our customers and extended families through personal emergency response services with our new smart watch.
No extra charges for the accessories that help make your life safe. Great for the active lifestyle as it works like a cellphone anywhere in Canada that holds a reception.
This next generation wearable device comes with heart rate monitor, step counter, best in class location services, text to locate for caregivers, and of course has call for help functionality.
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Meilleur système d’alerte médicale pour les personnes âgées au Canada. Aider les personnes âgées à vivre avec indépendance et confiance. Premier fournisseur de systèmes d’intervention d’urgence personnels.
†En soumettant vos informations pour demander un devis gratuit, vous consentez à ce que Senior Protection utilise une technologie automatisée, y compris des messages préenregistrés, pour vous contacter au numéro fourni. Ce numéro n’est pas nécessaire pour effectuer un achat chez nous.
†† Des frais d’annulation peuvent s’appliquer.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for visiting our Senior Protection website and requesting our « Buyers Guide » regarding medical alert services! Kindly click the below link to download the brochure.
The Senior Protection Team
1 866 416 0838